"A Grim World of Perilous Adventure", the famous words that graced the cover when Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP, pronounced Wuffrupp), upon its release by Games Workshop in 1986, as an extension of their popular miniatures game Warhammer Fantasy Battles. After a somewhat uneven publishing history, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is now in its fourth release, released by Cubicle 7.
The Old World is a dark and twisted place, so the dark fantasy offered in WFRP is more inspired by horror role-playing games like Call of Cthulhu than other fantasy role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. Brave warriors who perform heroic deeds are replaced by anti-heroes such as Rat Catchers and Witch Hunters. The players engage in an often hopeless battle, both against classic fantasy monsters such as orcs and the undead, but also against Warhammer's ruinous powers of Chaos and the evil Skaven ratmen.
In addition to new products from Cubicle 7, there are also old WFRP classics updated to modern standards. The Enemey Within campaign is considered by many to be one of the best role-playing campaigns ever.
The Old World is a dark and twisted place, so the dark fantasy offered in WFRP is more inspired by horror role-playing games like Call of Cthulhu than other fantasy role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. Brave warriors who perform heroic deeds are replaced by anti-heroes such as Rat Catchers and Witch Hunters. The players engage in an often hopeless battle, both against classic fantasy monsters such as orcs and the undead, but also against Warhammer's ruinous powers of Chaos and the evil Skaven ratmen.
In addition to new products from Cubicle 7, there are also old WFRP classics updated to modern standards. The Enemey Within campaign is considered by many to be one of the best role-playing campaigns ever.